आपकी कार्ट
Eagle Coin Fried Dace Black Bean 184g-eBest-Condiments,Pantry Eagle Coin Fried Dace Black Bean 184g-eBest-Condiments,Pantry
Eagle Coin Fried Dace Black Bean 184g-eBest-Condiments,Pantry
Eagle Coin Fried Dace Black Bean 184g-eBest-Condiments,Pantry
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Eagle Coin Fried Dace Black Bean 184g

$5.39 AUD
$6.29 AUD
(टैक्स शामिल)
1 item
केवल 43 बचा है
वॉल्यूम मूल्य निर्धारण
$5.39 AUD प्रत्येक
Fried Dace Black Bean is a type of canned fish that is a popular ingredient in many Asian cuisines, particularly in Chinese cuisine. It is made from small freshwater fish, usually dace, that are seasoned with a blend of black bean sauce, soy sauce, and other spices and then fried until crispy.