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Frozen Nine Town Hong Kong Dried Whelk Slices 200g

$24.00 AUD
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Jiutang Special Hong Kong Conch Dried/Ring Conch 200g Frozen Preservation Cold Chain Delivery🔺Purchasing Instructions: Dried seafood will have a certain salt content on the surface. After drying, the salt will form white crystals and solidify on the surface. It makes the surface of dried seafood whitish, just like dried kelp. This layer of material is salt frost, which can be washed off when eating. Each slice of special conch is different in shape and size. Those who have requirements on the appearance should take it with caution~ If seafood is not eaten for a long time, it is recommended to keep it in the refrigerator. effect. After eating, people can clear heat and improve eyesight, and can also clear heat and detoxify. The snails are delicious and rich in protein, vitamins, and essential amino acids for the human body. Xiangluo also has the functions of nourishing yin and kidney, strengthening the spleen and appetizing, and it is very suitable for soup. Recipe recommendation: 【Xianluo Pian Black Chicken Soup】 Xianglu Pian Black Chicken Soup is a delicious soup that can lower blood fat and regulate the stomach. Black chicken has the effect of nourishing yin, nourishing liver and kidney; Huaishan can strengthen spleen, lung, kidney, and essence; Xiangluo tablet has the functions of nourishing yin and kidney, strengthening spleen and appetizer, nourishing blood and nourishing face, clearing heat and improving eyesight. 【Chicken Foot Snail Piece Soup】The smell of chicken foot snail piece soup is fragrant and delicious, nourishing yin and strengthening muscles and bones. It is not only a family soup, but also nourishes yin and health. Snail slices in soup are famous for nourishing yin; chicken feet in soup is a good way to dissolve calcium, and eating chicken feet can add more calcium and iron to the human body; Chinese yam has The effect of tonifying the spleen and lungs, and strengthening the stomach; wolfberry has the power of moistening the liver, clearing the liver, and improving eyesight. 【American ginseng Xiangluo slices lean meat soup】The Xiangluo slices American ginseng lean meat soup is a little sweet, invigorating qi and nourishing yin, clearing fire and producing body fluid. American ginseng tonifies Qi, clears heat and promotes body fluid, and protects cardiovascular. Xiangluo tablets have the functions of nourishing yin and kidney, strengthening the spleen and appetizing, nourishing blood and nourishing the face, clearing heat and improving eyesight. Xiangluo slices are combined with American ginseng, which can nourish qi and nourish yin. [Xianluo Pian Bawang Hua Pig Bone Soup] Xiangluo Pian is combined with Nan almond, Bawang flower and figs to moisten the lungs and relieve cough. It has the effect of nourishing yin and moistening the lungs, clearing heat and resolving phlegm.