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Wonderwander Forest-Raised Crispy Chicken 1pc-eBest-Poultry,Meat deli & eggs Wonderwander Forest-Raised Crispy Chicken 1pc-eBest-Poultry,Meat deli & eggs
Wonderwander Forest-Raised Crispy Chicken 1pc-eBest-Poultry,Meat deli & eggs Wonderwander Forest-Raised Crispy Chicken 1pc-eBest-Poultry,Meat deli & eggs
Wonderwander Forest-Raised Crispy Chicken 1pc-eBest-Poultry,Meat deli & eggs
Wonderwander Forest-Raised Crispy Chicken 1pc-eBest-Poultry,Meat deli & eggs
Wonderwander Forest-Raised Crispy Chicken 1pc-eBest-Poultry,Meat deli & eggs
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Wonderwander Forest-Raised Crispy Chicken 1pc

$25.19 AUD
$31.72 AUD
(termasuk cukai)
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1 pc
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$25.19 AUDsebuah
Crispy Chicken is already a well-known number one. Non-tender chicken, suitable for soup, and then soup and meat. Turn on the fire to loosen the meat, and then slowly simmer on a low fire until the soup is rich. It is guaranteed that all ages are swept away, and only bones are left in a pot. This is that chicken with the flavors and textures of childhood. The skin is crispy, the meat is delicious, and the fragrance is special and rich, which cannot be replaced by any chicken.