Kart Anda
1/ 4

Cucumbers Approx. 900g-1kg

$8.39 AUD
$16.79 AUD
(termasuk cukai)
1 kg
Hanya 194 yang tinggal
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$8.39 AUDsebuah
The thorn cucumbers are directly supplied from the farm, which are fresh and crisp, with abundant juice and fragrant taste. Every bite is full of enjoyment! Cucurbitacin C contained in cucumber can improve the immune function of the human body and achieve the purpose of anti-tumor. ... cucumber is rich in vitamin E, which can prolong life and resist aging; cucumber enzymes in cucumber have strong biological activity and can effectively promote the body's metabolism. ... Cucumber contains trace elements such as chromium, which have the effect of lowering blood sugar. For diabetics, cucumber is a good food.