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Chrysanthemum 1 Bundle-eBest-Vegetables,Fruit & Vegetables Chrysanthemum 1 Bundle-eBest-Vegetables,Fruit & Vegetables
Chrysanthemum 1 Bundle-eBest-Vegetables,Fruit & Vegetables
Chrysanthemum 1 Bundle-eBest-Vegetables,Fruit & Vegetables
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Chrysanthemum 1 Bundle

$2.15 AUD
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$2.15 AUDsebuah
The rhizomes are slender, green and bright, with the unique aroma of chrysanthemum, and the entrance is fragrant and sweet, crisp and delicious. Both cold and fried are delicious, and they can also be used as ingredients for hot pot or sukiyaki. They are nutritious and delicious without gaining weight! Alias: Artemisia stalk, basil dish, artemisia dish, chrysanthemum dish, chrysanthemum bamboo shoots Nutritional value Chrysanthemum contains volatile oil with special fragrance, which can digest and appetizer. Rich in vitamins, carotene and various amino acids, it can nourish the heart and calm the nerves, lower blood pressure and invigorate the brain, clear blood and resolve phlegm, nourish the lungs and nourish the liver, stabilize emotions and prevent memory loss. Chrysanthemum wormwood contains volatile oil with special fragrance, which helps to regulate qi in the middle, digestion and appetizers, and increase appetite, and the crude fiber contained in it can help intestinal peristalsis, promote defecation, and achieve the purpose of clearing and invigorating the intestines; in addition, chrysanthemum has a fragrant smell. , can eliminate phlegm and open stagnation, avoid filth and turbidity. Chrysanthemum contains a variety of amino acids, fats, proteins and high amounts of mineral salts such as sodium and potassium, which can regulate water metabolism in the body, facilitate urination, and eliminate edema; Chrysanthemum contains a volatile essential oil, as well as choline and other substances , has the effect of lowering blood pressure and invigorating the brain.