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Ayi Frozen Fish Cake For Hotpot 1kg

$18.60 AUD
$23.26 AUD
(termasuk cukai)
1 item
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$18.60 AUDsebuah
Ayi Tofu Fish is a tofu-based product designed to resemble the texture and flavor of fish. Made from tofu and other plant-based ingredients, Ayi Tofu Fish offers a vegetarian alternative to traditional fish products. It has a tender and flaky texture similar to fish, along with a mild and savory taste. Ayi Tofu Fish is conveniently frozen and delivered using a cold chain delivery system, ensuring that the product remains properly stored during transportation to maintain its freshness and quality. It can be used in a variety of dishes, such as stir-fries, curries, or sushi rolls, providing a plant-based protein option for those seeking vegetarian or vegan alternatives.